Perusahaan spin-off adalah perusahaan yang perlahan telah berkembang menjadi mandiri dari Itenas dengan memanfaatkan hasil-hasil penelitian dan pengembangan di institut. Adapun beberapa spin-off companies adalah sebagai berikut:
A spin-off company is a company that has slowly grown to become independent from the institute to commercialize the results of research and development. Some of the spin-off companies are as follows:
1. Delta Sigma Nusantara (DSN) co. ltd
Perusahaan ini memiliki unit usaha konsultansi, konstruksi, perdagangan umum, pengolahan kopi dan juga kuliner (termasuk café Cinde yang terletak di samping Itenas). Website perusahaan ada di Bebepa gambar kegiatan bisnisnya dapat dilihat di bawah ini.
The company provides services on consulting, construction, general trading, coffee processing and culinary business units (including the Cinde café which is located next to Itenas). The company’s website is at Some pictures of business activities can be seen below.
Unit bisnis PT DSN di budang kuliner / Culinary business unit of DSN co. Ltd
2. LPPM Itenas
Lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan masyarakat (LPPM) Itenas juga adalah sebuah unit usaha untuk penyediaan jasa konsultan dan pelatihan (training) yang mengandalkan keahlian dari dosen-dosen tetap Itenas. LPPM Itenas juga ikut di dalam kegiatan bidding untuk penyediaan jasa-jasa konsultansi seperti yang tercatat di websitenya sebagai berikut Beberapa pekerjaan yang tercatat di tahun 2020 – 2021 serta mitra/donor dan kontraknya dapat dilihat di bawah ini:
The Center for Research and Community Development (LPPM) is also a business unit for the provision of consulting and training services that rely on the expertise of Itenas’ faculty members. LPPM Itenas also participates in various bidding activities for the provision of consultancy services as recorded on its website as follows Some of the services listed in 2020 – 2021 as well as partners/donors and their contracts can be seen below:
Pekerjaan Konsultansi dan Penelitian oleh LPPM Itenas 2020-2021 /
Consultancies and Research Projects Granted to LPPM Itenas for the priod of 2020-2021
No | Judul / Projects | Donor /Donors | Nilai Pendanaan (Rp.) / Amount in rupiah |
1 | Penyusunan Evaluasi Kebijakan Pemberian Insentif di Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan | DPMPTSP Kalimantan Timur | 99,440,000 |
2 | Penyusunan Kajian Pemetaan Potensi Investasi Lobster di Kalimantan Timur | DPMPTSP Kalimantan Timur | 99,770,000 |
4 | Pembuatan Studi Kelayakan (Feasibility Study) PLTG Mobile Power Plant (MPP) Tanjung Pinang/Tanjung Uban 30 MW | PT. KWARSA HEXAGON | 80,000,000 |
5 | Integrated Programme on Better Air Quality (IBAQ) FY 2018 | Clean Air Asia | 45,000,000 |
6 | International Air Quality Specialist (Consultant) for the Sustainable Urban Mobility for All Initiative (SUMAI) Project in Cambodia | Clean Air Asia | 45,000,000 |
7 | Particulate matter source apportionment in Malaysia using source tagging modeling approach to quantify transboundary air pollution: a comparative analysis between haze and non haze periods | Asia Pacific Network | 25,000,000 |
8 | Capacity development programme on air quality management and emission reduction of PM2.5 for ASEAN Countries | Asia Pacific Network | 35,000,000 |
9 | APW on Web-Training to Water Operators In Understanding And Operationalizing Urban WSP Implementation Manuals And Field Assistance To Scale-Up WSP In Selected Urban Water Utility Operators (PDAMs) | WHO Indonesia | 800,000,000 |
10 | Jakarta Airshed Source Apportionment project | CREA Finland | 150,000,000 |
11 | Kajian Sosial-Lingkungan Pembangunan PLTS Hybrid Di Pulau Manado Tua dan Pulau Nain-Sulawesi Utara | Balai Besar Teknologi Konversi Energi – BPPT Tangerang | 65.500.000 |
12 | Jasa Konsultan Pembuatan Naskah Akademik Pemberian Insentif dan Kemudahan Di KSPN Derawan dan Sekitarnya | DPMPTSP Prov. Kalimantan Timur | 39.800.000 |
13 | Kajian Sosial-Lingkungan Studi Kelayakan PLTS Komunal Pada 23 Lokasi di Indonesia | Balai Besar Teknologi Konversi Energi – BPPT | 195.200.000 |
14 | Study of location and facility requirements for the proposed Tailing Management Facilities (TMF) PT Agincourt Resources based on PP 101/2014 | PT Agincourt Resources | 105.000.000 |
15 | Penyusunan, Editing, Penerjemahan dan Layout Laporan Status Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia | PUSDATIN KLHK | 114.785.000 |
16 | Penyusunan Dokumen Studi Kelayakan / Feasibility Study (FS) Fasilitas Pengolahan Sampah untuk Pembuatan Bahan Bakar Berbasis Sampah / Refuse Derive Fuel (RDF) di Kabupaten Probolinggo | DITJEN PSLB3 KLHK | 99.900.000 |